Middle School Motivational Speaker

Over 150,000 kids skip school on a consistent basis for fear of being bullied. Middle School is a crucial time for developing our young students. The data shows over 150,000 students visit the emergency room due to a failed attempt at suicide, with almost half of them attempting suicide again. While it’s a tall task we much work to connect and have the tough talks about suicide prevention with our young people. We must get them to understand how they play a major role with their friends during crisis.

High School Motivational Speaker

As a father, teacher, and a coach, Zach speaks to your students on their level and in their language, in a style they can understand and relate to. Zach talks with his audience, not at them. His message encompasses: accountability, personal responsibility, choices, character, acceptance, selflessness, and can be tailored to your theme with advance notice.

Zach gets personal about his own life: his challenges with his sense of self-worth, failing at relationships, his own mental health, and ultimately how he overcame his challenges and obstacles to make him the man he is today.

Teen Suicide Prevention Speaker

Suicide, prevention and crisis intervention.

At-Risk Youth

Teen crisis intervention.

As an educational motivational speaker, it is Zach’s mission is to connect with young people and inspire them to break self-defeating behaviors and cycles and build a brighter future for themselves and others.

School Assembly Presentations